Saturday, November 5, 2011

The 'Yo' Conversation

Let's Regroup
original post date

whuts good wit u ... and yes... i am and will be writing using slang terminologies
Writing and yes... I would suspect anything less.
~ mean wouldn't

lol ... i was looking at that comment saying to myself am i reading it right .. lol
The body also sends out electrical signals of varying frequency and strength. Because the body is a biological system, the electrical signals will vary with the activity and health of the body/mind.
lol ... guess what me and ---- was talking about the other day ... we said you should thank us for making you who you are today
Yea but if anything I was thing about the next sentence that jot down.
See I did it again
no problem ... understood. We're both talking bout somethingg else ... not answering, well .. not really respondingg to each others comment directly... lol
Was that a quote? Or was that direct towards me? and if so than I have to say thanks because it true to some degree.
~ meant to say then not than...
okay keep talking
u know it was directed to you
well writing that is (^_^)
by the way we're not talking... we're writing
lol.... u move to fast
I was a topic of your guys conversation,,, One thought comes to mind Tony the tiger “That’s great!” Soon the world…. Mean all of humanity.
~ meant you guys not your
idk ... sometimes i wish i could just run away and surround myselff by ppl who are 'like' me .... this world just seem so fake and lost .. and takes away everybody true purpose in life ...
yo ... stop looking to perfect yourself ny corecting your writing
I understand how you feel people often gravitate towards others that are similar to them in way or the other.
lol ... disregard my nonsens talk after the word yo...
it's okay were not perfect after all....Assuming that I’m right about that concept.
Hello! What are you thinking about
lol .. im here .. and you are right
Well you feel then have a thought to be more correct.
its funny how we stress ourselves to try to perfect ourselves, yet no matter what we do .. some way some how ... we can always improve it. If we know we can't ever truly reach perfection why do we strive so much to perfect what already exist .... js
By the way I think that we're similar when it’s in regards of being aware.
True be told we our perfect but simply don’t believe that were not.
lol ... yeah ... in a way i guess so ... but man is full of question ... and once they answer a question .. they (we) question our answer .... then we question why we question our answer which makes us question ourselves .... lol
What may not be considered as perfection to another may be another’s way of speaking or living. Some than may consider this to be unique in some way or fashion; so what is perfection? I believe it’s an illusion of a guide line that never existed begin with hence the illusion.
dhat ... most def'nitely that
Discovery is a way of coming to term with one true self. It’s like you said “this world just seem so fake and lost .. and takes away everybody true purpose in life ... “
yet how do you know that you have really come to term with 'yourself' how do we not know that we have become so fixated in improving or being one with ourselves that we begin to believe that we are actually coming to those terms ... when in fact we are manipulating ourselves into believing that we are who we supposedly think we are only because we are dying to satisfy the urge of reaching that state of oness...... did i make any sense
You did. Question! Can you fake astrong feeling?
Without any individual being involve
if you manipulate yourself well enough to believe that certain things are happening ... no you cannot fake a strong feeling ... but you can fake the facts that cause the strong feeling which makes the strong feeling be part of something fake which somehow makes it fake
But when do you begain to manipulat yourself?
hmmmm ... that is a good question ...
Manipulation is often accompanied by doubt and fear but aren’t those to feelings. Are they real or just another form of manipulation without the aid of the outside world?
One must come to understand that their physical eyes can only see but so far, but you “Life Energy” soul is limitless therefore what you have the capabilities to conjure up is limitless. Are bodies this biosuite contains us but were not limited by it but our bodies are limited by us.
agreed ...
manipulation .... we do so to satisfy or justify an action that should not be or that we do not want to be ... we begin to manipulate ourselves the moment we begin to doubt [anything]J
In do moments,,, my dare,, in do moments....
But in that moment of doubt, can it be possible to trigger manipulation?
so when one who've been self manipulated finally open their eyes and become aware ... are they truly becoming aware ... or are they still caught up in an illusion by making themselves believe that they are aware ... hmmm ... is it possible to be blindly aware ....
But what is anything? Is anything the things that you over the course of your physical life have stitch on to your mind? What about the feelings you cannot see? This can be compared to the wind, and if so is this to apart of your everything?
sometime i wonder if the memories that i can replay so vividly as a child are really my own personal memories ... or is it that i heard others say/tell the story so many times that i ended up painting it as it was being told ... to the point that i placed it so well together ... replayed it in my head so many time [as i heard it so many times]... to the point that i actually became the character [which of course i already was] but not the character that was listening in ... could it be that mmy childhood memeories are true and really mines .. or did i just become an illustrator to a story line and plagarized the work and made it all mines ... to the point that i can even tell you how i felt at that moment .. a moment that may not have ever even been experienced ...
It's yours along with everybody else that have affected your life in some way or another but simply from different perspectives. We record the information or what is deeming to be information and encode them in to our minds but does that means it's ours? Of course not because we are the information. For example to another individual you are information and vice versa another individual would be information to you. This then becomes a pool of information which at its source is energy. If you were to write your memories down and turn it into a book and someone like me was to pick it up and read it! Would your child hood memories become my childhood memories as well? Or did I have to live it along with you in order to make that claim. Well the thing is that I just imagine everything that happened in your childhood based on your book. That means from the moment you made the choice to write down your child hood memories and turn it into a book your neurotransmitters were firing off; Electric currents passing through your mind recalling your childhood memories thus creating every thought of how you would stitch them together. Remember you are energy, we are energy! So at the end you used a fragment of yourself to transfer events that took place in your life or your awaken state. Then of course I come along and picked up your book and read it using energies and which I am to stitch the memories on to my mind; but since I did not live them in my physical form I than lived as I would if the memories originated from my mind to begin with. Think about it! All that took place was me being able live the memories your memories from a different prospective. Yes imagination is our ability to take and do with as we please and even to materialize such thoughts (energy, “You”) on to this physical realm.


This conversation was somewhat everywhere yet all answer/question were addresses. Feel free to add on to this ... we talked/wrote about

1. the blindness of man ... and how humanity are now forced to live
2. the search for perfection
3. manipulation
4. illusion
5. memories
6. imagination
7. ......

...... all of this was brought up through one simply word ..... "yo" ....

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