Why is it that we, as in peopl continue to play mind games with ouselves? We know what it is that we want yet we are cautious about the respond that may be given. So we attempt to come at the situation with such a strategic approach that only leaves oneself with more sense of hesitation because we are the only one playing the game in which two people are supposedly a part of. Confide in me then I'll confide in you. If both party is waiting on the next person to make the first move, opportunity will obviously pass them by. Yet they are aware of this and still refuse to take the necessary actions. Or is it that they hope that their thought will change and they can continue on without ever having to touch on the idea? Yet they both sort of know what the other is thinking, how the other feels, they both are hoping that they can brush off what's at hand, so why not just address the situation and find true closure. Is it because the dream is more controllable than reality although the dream is an extension of their reality......
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