Friday, April 15, 2011

The Road To Wisdom (intro)

As I talk to the souls around me, I am please to know that others are as cautious as me. For the concious mind is the one that's paranoid.......yet free to gain knowledge as it please.
Spiritually Obtained Universal Life

Carefully Analyzing Until Thoughts Infer On Undetermined Situations

Conducting Ongoing Nuerological Cases Including Our Unified State

Mentally Induced Nonetheless Determined

Psychologically  At Risk Assuming Nomadics Opposition Isn't Death 

Knowing Nothing Ommit Will - Learning'sEverlasting -  Deeply Guided - Eternal

They tend to say that the mind is a terrible thing to I start to explore and come out of my attempt to do me.....I have been trying to put myself around those who use their mind not just with the simple everyday to day action.......challenge yourself....get into little more knowledge....allow yourself to be wrong......see how far the mind will be willing to let you roam.....

my SOUL is the inner me that keep me on point....when i fall off....its because i lost connection with that spiritual realm   

I'm CAUTIOUS  because I know that i do not control the events that takes place in life

I must remain CONCIOUS of the things that happens throughout.....without it..I will foreva be lost   

we all have a MIND but I refuse to not push it pass it limits           

PARANOID is something that everyone is.....minimal usage is being cautious......i forsee things in both a negative and a positive point of view.....and thats relative to every...i repeat every single thing...therefore becoming analytical     

KNOWLEDGE is something that i will continue to seek and strengthen ......with that i  must use it correctly for then i will be able to show my true wisdom....which is the act of knowing how to use ur knowledge

1 comment:

  1. the soul within is what keeps the body sane, but why does the body keep the soul insane?

    we are cautious cause life we cant control, but we have to be really cautious of people who try to control the people within life to direct life

    the mind has no limits! puch away, but push limits then discover what we are capable of

    what if we are only paranoid of the cautios and cautious of the paranoid

    coudnt agree more, just hate that with the strength of wisdom comes the misery of understanding
