Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Battle Within

God works in mysterious ways.....the only problem is .... i dont know what exactly he's tryna say......my subconcious aint allowing me to comprehend the play.....i'm getting hit harder everyday.......placed situations in positions that can work for or against me......i need to dig harder...but i'm pissed cause i dont know which way to lead
Why is it that we tend to battle ourselve. Its hard sometime to make choices because we are so afraid of what the outcome may be. Man biggest fear is failure and so to avoid it we chose not to try at all. Sacrifices is something that everybody must make...yet we we tend to take small steps which at times bring forth nothing at all. At times we even try to reamin nuetral, taking from both side just to get a feel of it. We tend to know deep inside the path that must be taken..yet at the same time question rather or not we're making the right decision. There's nothing wrong with talking to yourself and questioning....the problem comes forth when you refuse to listen to your innerself
I'm actually battling with myself because I've been placed in a situation where i must think and react critically.....lately I've been placed in situation where my prayers can de answered...the only proble is that it is not happening directly.....its happen indirectly where if i follow through it will be done. The problem is .... i do not want it done through me....rather through the natural forces of the universe

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