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I remember laying in the hospital bed. There was so much going on around me and I kept zoning in and out. The nurse was talking to someone, a man. This someone I later found out was representing me, but that was weeks after today. After the nurse left the room, he stayed and stood by the door just watching me. More like staring at me. I didn't like it, not for one bit. It made me so uncomfortable. Everytime I looked at him I started having these heavy breathing. I felt hot and trapped. I was getting frustrated for nothing. I hated this feeling. Hatred grew within me and I started to stare at him as if my eyes could have delivered the act of death upon him. I was full of fear, hatred, frustration. I couldn't breathe. I passed out.
My parents were in the room. They looked so disappointed, so angry, unfortunately, I read no sign of hurt or guilt. I didn't care. I was so happy to see them, so happy to see a familiar face. What I've just experienced was far more cruel than anything they ever put me through. All I wanted to do was go home. Yet something made me freeze. The way they looked at me, as if they were ashame. I didn't understand what just took place. I was so confuse, I was so hurt, I was terrified, I was in pain. I try to move and all of a suddenly I started to bleed. I screamed, I cried, I yelled mom. It hurted. My body ached. My vagina. The uncontrollable pain that I felt from my vagina and my lower abdomen. I got off the bed, I hardly could walk, and I was stumbling towards my parents. I cried. There was so much blood. For the first time I saw pity in the eyes of my mother. Tears ran down her cheeks as she yelled to me to stop walking, to stay where I was. She rushed over to me. She didn't care as she lifted me and told me everything would be alright.